I'm an addict in Narcotics Anonymous dedicated to carrying the message of recovery as I have found it. I just hope this helps someone.
Here's what this page is about: I've looked all over the internet & found a great many resources for recovering addicts: re-printed literature, discussion groups, e-mail groups, meeting lists, convention information, but nothing a little more personal. I encoded recovery speaker tapes into a format that can be played using the FREE versions of RealPlayer.
Make sure you get the free model.
I've used different models of the free version for 7 years.
These files will also play with the Classic Media Player. You might just want to try to play them before you do a download and install.
Bookmark this page (so you can get back) & if you want one you can get the new free RealPlayer Basic here:
This website is the cover page for the spoken message of recovery.
I plan to add more links to other pages with the spoken message, as well as change the files for listening. Please stop back often.
I'd be willing to add links of any recovering addict's page that publishes on the web real audio links of the spoken message of recovery.
Write me - MikeR
since 1 September 1998
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